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Sleep consulting is a partnership between parent, child, and a trained sleep consultant. A pediatric sleep consultant is a children's sleep specialist who provides families with solutions and support to correct their child's sleep difficulties. In essence, a pediatric sleep consultant teaches parents how to teach their child to sleep well.

I am able to help parents work through virtually all sleep challenges that are not medical issues (such as sleep apnea). Some of the most common situations I help address include:

- Sleep education for new and expectant parents

- Establishing healthy sleep foundations

- Sleeping through the night

- Establishing age-appropriate night feedings

- Creating consistent sleep schedules

- Lengthening short naps

- Solving early morning wakings

- Addressing sleep regressions

- Preventing bedtime battles

- Working through nap transitions

- Transitioning from co-sleeping to independent sleeping

- Moving from a crib to a bed

- Helping toddlers stay in their crib or bed

- Coordinating schedules with multiples

- Assisting children with special needs to sleep well

I work with newborns up to age 5 years. Between 0-4 months, we start establishing healthy sleep habits and routines to set your little one on the path to great sleep and prevent sleep challenges from developing. For these young infants, we do not implement a strict sleep schedule or formal sleep coaching, as babies at this age aren't developmentally ready for those things yet. After 4 months, we work towards age-appropriate schedules, independent sleep skills, and establishing all other components that constitute healthy sleep.

In addition to my personal experience with my own children, I am certified as a Pediatric Sleep Consultant with the Cradle Coach Academy. My training in this evidence-based program included over 250 hours of study in the field of child sleep, which is 3x greater than any other sleep consulting program in the nation. The exceptionally comprehensive program included specialty courses on a variety of subjects, including: the science of sleep, latest research in the field, lactation, multiples, children with special needs, positive parenting, sleep disorders, and SIDS prevention. I also received extensive training on a variety of sleep coaching methods, allowing me to work with a broad range of parenting styles. Studying with the Cradle Coach Academy provides me the privilege of continuing education as well as being connected with an amazing community of international consultants and industry experts, allowing me to stay at the forefront of the field.

Sleep is a biological need, just as imperative to a healthy life as are food, shelter, and oxygen. When the body isn't getting the optimal amount and quality of sleep it needs, it cannot function properly. Sleep is not a luxury, a privilege, or something selfish to desire - it is a necessity. Insufficient sleep affects a child's behavior, attention, ability to learn, physical growth, and mental health.

While the need for sleep is biological, the ability to sleep is learned. All children can learn to sleep well, some just need a little more help than others. Teaching a child the skills to sleep well is a beautiful gift that will serve them well their entire lives.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to teaching healthy sleep habits. Every child is unique, as is every family, parenting philosophy, and situation. Therefore, each child requires a personalized approach designed specifically for them. I take a non-judgemental, non-blaming, non-shaming approach to each and every family I work with and I never pressure families to use a sleep coaching method they aren't completely comfortable with. I support each family every step of the way and offer encouragement, advice, and education about their child's sleep needs.

It is important to remember that it takes longer to correct unhealthy sleep habits than it does to create them, so this process requires patience and absolute consistency in order to be successful. Every parent and every child can benefit from the gift of sleep. I'm here to help you give and receive that gift.

Nope! You would only need to live near me if you are interested in an in-home consultation. Otherwise, I work with families all over the globe through virtual video calls, phone, email, and text.

Certainly. If you feel confident choosing an approach on your own, go with it! The key to teaching children is consistency and patience, so be sure keep that in mind as you implement your own plan.

There is more to creating long-term healthy sleep habits than a simple "sleep training" method. If any one component of healthy sleep is absent, the goal will likely fail.

When you are exhausted, frustrated, and confused, the knowledge, experience, and one-on-one support of a sleep consultant can make all the difference. I know that as a sleep-deprived and busy parent, it is hard to find the time and energy to sift through all the endless advice out there. And although sleep books or websites can offer advice, they are not able to provide a personalized plan that considers a family's philosophy and needs, nor are they able to answer the inevitable questions that arise throughout the process or help you effectively work through potential bumps in the road. I provide step-by-step, evidence-based, personalized solutions. I help families navigate the best way to do this for their unique child. If you feel like you need help, then that's what you need and that's what I'm here for.

If any of these describe you, I'm here to help you!

- You've read and received so much conflicting advice that you don't know where to start

- You have tried helping your child to sleep better but it didn't go as planned

- You are nervous about getting started and need guidance and support throughout the process

- You feel like you have tried everythingYou are exhausted and don't have the energy to try and figure it out on your own

- You want to make sure you do this in the best way possible

- You have questions and need clear, effective answers

Want to know more about how I can help your family? Contact me to set up a free 15-minute phone evaluation to discuss which of my services would be most beneficial for your family and to ask any questions you have about the consulting process.