My Baby Sleep E-books
Newborn Sleep Guide - PDF Download
Dowload NowFor expecting parents, parents to a newborn, and a baby shower gift, this is the best gift for you. It's the most complete newborn sleep guide! Over 50 pages to get you ready to welcome your new baby without having sleepless nights.
This guide provides you with easy to apply tips while revealing the science of newborn sleep patterns and teaches you how to establish healthy sleep foundations from the beginning: looking at:
- Feeding (Breastfeeding & bottle feeding)
- Wake windows
- Sleep environment
- A gentle technique to put your newborn to sleep
Baby Sleep Guide 5-12 months - PDF Download
Download NowBy 5 months, baby's sleep has matured and they are neurologically ready to connect their sleep cycle and ... hooray sleep for longer stretches for both naps and nights.
If you are dreaming for your baby to learn how to sleep independently to go for long stretches, this guide is for you. It explains the secret behind the science of sleep and help you provide baby with ideal:
- Feeding schedules (milk & solids)
- Age appropriate wake windows
- Ideal sleep environment
- A list of sleep training techniques for you select the one that fits best your unique baby
As a bonus, this book also guide you through regressions and give you tips to manage travels, sickness, teething…
This guide is perfect for parents with babies aged 5 to 12 months
Toddler Sleep Guide 12-36 months - PDF Download
Download NowBy 12 months, your baby is officially a toddler!
If you are dreaming for your baby to learn how to sleep independently to go for long stretches, this guide is for you. It explains the secret behind the science of sleep and help you provide baby with ideal:
- Feeding schedules (milk & solids)
- Age appropriate wake windows
- Ideal sleep environment
- A list of sleep training techniques for you select the one that fits best your unique baby
As a bonus, this book also guide you through regressions and give you tips to manage travels, sickness, teething…
This guide is perfect for parents with babies aged 12 to 36 months