What I do

Hey Mama! I'm Salma
I’m a mom of a sweet tiny wonder named Yanis, and a certified pediatric sleep consultant.
I know what it means to feel sleep deprived, because I have been there for weeks when my baby hit the 4 months sleep regression. What helped me was to talk to a sleep expert who made me realize that sleep is simply a skill that we can teach our babies; like we teach them to talk, walk.... When they master the skill of independent sleep, they are able sleep long stretches and guess what... we, parents, can get some rest.
My passion today is to share this magic with parents, help parents teach their babies the skill of sleeping so they can reclaim the joy of parenthood.
Sleep Solutions for every age

100% Customized Babysleep Plans
As you are becoming a parent to a tiny wonder, you are probably spending lots of your time on research… and end up feeling overwhelmed with baby sleep information, and wonder which one suits best your baby?
What you probably are sure of already is that every baby is unique; and so is their sleep! So, forget about the generic tips that you find all over the internet. As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I connect with you on a one-to-one to get to know you as a parent and know your unique baby, to design 100% customized baby sleep plans to your unique tiny wonder.
My sleep plans are complete! I look at all aspects of your day to make the sleep process easy for you and for baby:
- Personalized daily feeding and sleep schedule
- Naptime and bedtime routine
- The optimal sleep training method for your baby
- Tips to manage sleep regressions
- Travelling with a baby.... and so much more!